Where is Trinity Episcopal Cathedral?
The Cathedral is at 200 Island Avenue in downtown Reno, on the south side of the Truckee River two blocks west of Virginia Street.
When are weekend services?
From September through May, Trinity provides three services on Sunday — at 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., and 11 a.m. — as well as a Saturday evening service at 5 p.m. During the summer, Sunday services are at 8 and 10 a.m., and the Saturday service is at 5 p.m.
Who can attend services?
Everyone is welcome to attend services. Our doors are open to you.
Is the LGBTQ+ community welcome?
Yes, unquestioningly.
Where should I park?
On-site parking is very limited. Parking is generally available along streets in the surrounding neighborhood. (Street parking is not metered on Sundays.) In addition, parking is available at the Washoe County employee parking lot, a three-minute walk away at the corner of Court and Sierra streets. Parking in this lot, a block southeast of the Cathedral, is free during weekends and evening hours.
Where do I enter the church?
There are two entrances — one facing the Truckee River on the north side of the church and the other facing Rainbow Street on the east side. An accessible ramp is available at the east door on Rainbow Street.
What should I wear for services?
While dress is a personal decision, most people at Trinity Cathedral’s services dress somewhat casually — clean jeans or slacks and a sweater or casual shirt — but it’s not unusual to see people in suits or Sunday dresses as well. During summer months, some wear shorts.
What’s with all this standing and sitting and kneeling?
Generally, we stand for worship and singing, sit for readings, sermons, and announcements, and kneel for prayer. As a newcomer, follow along with what others are doing. If you are physically challenged, you can sit during the entire service.
How can I follow the service?
When you arrive, an usher will provide you with a bulletin. The bulletins also are available on a stand just inside either entrance. This lists the order of the service. In some instances, the bulletin will refer you to a page in the Book of Common Prayer (the “BCP”), which is the black book in the pew rack in front of you. Hymns are in the red hymnal in the pew rack.
Can I take communion?
The joyful feast of communion is offered to any baptized person from any denomination — not just Episcopalians. You do not need to provide proof of your baptism. Simply approach the altar with one hand on top of the other to receive the wafer and wine. If you wish to receive a blessing, approach the altar with your arms crossed over your chest, and you will receive a blessing. Gluten-free wafers are available; simply indicate to the priest your desire for a gluten-free wafer.
Is a donation expected?
During the service a collection plate will be passed to financially support the mission of the Cathedral. Do not feel that you need to make a donation as the price for admission. This is a personal decision.
How long are services?
Most weekend services are about 60 minutes. The 11 a.m. Sunday service is typically about 75 minutes.
Can we get married at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral?
Yes, Trinity is pleased to celebrate the weddings of all couples, including interfaith and same-sex couples, as long as at least one person in the couple is a baptized Christian. Contact our clergy through the Contact link or at 775-329-4279.
Where can I learn more about the Episcopal faith?
You can learn more at the national Episcopal Church website.