The Vestry, the governing body of the Cathedral, is elected at the annual meeting. The Dean, who also serves as Rector, presides at meetings of the Vestry, which handles the parish’s business and non-liturgical policy matters. The Vestry serves many of the functions served by boards of directors or trustees of other organizations or businesses. Among its responsibilities is overseeing the parish’s financial health. The Vestry also serves as an advisory council to the Dean who by church law is the parish’s chief liturgical and pastoral officer.
Vestry Officers and Members
Margaret Brown
Senior Warden
(term expires January 2027)
Mikkel Bassett
(term expires January 2026)
Bruce Bethke
(term expires January 2026)
Rebecca Dixon
(term expires January 2027)
Josette Dornoff
(term expires January 2028)
Aaron Koning
(term expires January 2027)
Kathryn Landreth
(term expires January 2026)
Katherine Mahannah
(term expires January 2028)
Ann Morgan
(term expires January 2026)
Eric Nummela
(term expires January 2027)
Gary Warren
(term expires January 2028)
Nan Marie Wollam
(term expires January 2028)
Josephine Flocchini
Youth Representative
(term expires January 2028)
Lindsay Campbell
Carol Roman
Vestry Committees
Standing committees support the work of the Vestry. The Finance and Administration Committee monitors the ongoing financial management and administrative operations of the Cathedral. The Property Committee ensures the church buildings and grounds are well maintained and secure. And the Human Resources Committee advises the Dean, Wardens, and Vestry on matters related to personnel policies and management. These committees include vestry and parish members.
Governing Documents and Policies
- Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Bylaws
- Endowment Board Charter
- Building Use Policy
- Gift Acceptance Policy
- Guide to Financial Policies and Procedures